Saturday, January 19, 2008

Our school website is updated now, by a colleague of mine and mother of one of my students. The student used to go to school with Ben, but a year behind. An interesting note that was recently brought to my attention by Karen B. is that Ben's English teacher used to go to high school with Erika, and that she lived next door to Grandpa and Grandma in Schroon Lake! As the cliche` goes, it's a small world! Another thing I will "admit" is that Ben's soccer team played the school in Ft. Meyers last week where Diane teaches and her girls go to. (Ben's team lost :-( that's why I "admitted" it.) Anyway, at my school we are done with final exams, and I have only one student who has to make up the final next week out of 151 students. Two recently left to attend the private school that Ben goes to.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Some views of my classroom. I have 28 desks and 30 Honors students in some of the classes! I had to add 4 extra computers for the Intensive Reading classes. Some of the work on the walls (including the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) reflects books that the students read for their Independent Reading project. Christmas decorations have been taken down now, and we'll be wrapping up the first semester, and preparing for final exams. Julius Caesar season is almost done, and next we'll read The Count of Monte Cristo and Fahrenheit 451.

my angel wing begonia...grew from a slip Mother gave me last time I was up with them